Thursday, May 20, 2010

What is a Baptist? - Wisconsin, Day 1

I intended to blog last night but was too tired by the time we got back to our hotel. Yesterday was a long day. Got up at 4:00 a.m. so I could meet Ron Johnson at DFW Airport for our flight up to Wisconsin to meet with pastors and other church and association leaders from Bay Lakes Baptist Association. We landed in Green Bay shortly before 1:00 p.m, got our rental car and drove to our hotel, stopping for lunch along the way. After checking into the hotel, we drove over to Lambeau Field, home of the Green Bay Packers (for those who are uninformed about such things) so Ron could do some shopping at the pro shop for his Packers-fan son. After that, we explored the area as we drove over to Appleton, where the BLBA office is located. We had time to find the downtown area of Appleton and then drove along a really nice stretch of the Fox River. Grabbed a bite to eat and then headed over to the BLBA office for our first meeting of this trip. In the meeting with us were the BLBA Director of Missions, along with one of the pastors in the association and three members from his church. The pastor had asked for this meeting for us to clarify some things for them about our fledgling partnership and to help them understand some things about Southern Baptists and missions. This church began as a non-denominational church and most of their members have no experience with the SBC. The church sought affiliation with the SBC and BLBA in 2007 and are still new in this journey. We had a great dialogue that included an unexpected question. One of the men in the church asked, "So, what is a Baptist?" I expected questions about the benefits of being a part of our denomination or about Baptist mission opportunities or even about what Baptists believe. I don't know that I have ever been asked, "What is a Baptist?" I won't go into the whole answer. With two DOMs going, it turned into quite a discussion and it may have actually been beneficial to everyone in the room. What really stuck in my mind was the conversation Ron and I had on our 30 minute drive back to our hotel in Green Bay. How many people in our Baptist churches in Texas--some of whom have been Baptists their whole lives--couldn't answer that question? How many of them would like to ask that question sometimes but are afraid to? It was actually refreshing to have someone be willing to ask the question that was really on his mind. I wonder ... have we given people the idea that the church is a place you go to hear someone tell you things--making pronouncements, prescribing beliefs and behavior and discouraging questions that are not on the agenda? Or is the church a group of people on a journey of discovering what it means to have a real, vital, growing relationship with the One who is the Truth? A group of people who will ask questions and who dig into God's word together and pray together for the Spirit of the Living God to interpret His word to shape their lives as Christ-followers? Let us not be afraid of questions or of those who ask them. We may not know all the answers, but we can go with them to the One who does.

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