Monday, August 24, 2009

Kingdom Focus

Last week, I received the following email: Dear Brother Lewis, I wanted to share with you a great blessing our Church received. We have been looking for a van or some other mode of transportation for several years, but always a few dollars short. I inquired with the FBC Montague about their van for sale and told them I would talk to the Church about it. This was Monday and on Wednesday they called saying they have had a business meeting and voted to "donate" the van to us. To say the least I was flabbergasted! We now have this van (in very good condition) and pray that God will help us utilize to the fullest. I wanted to share a praise and thank the FBC of Montague for this most generous gift. Larry Kennedy, Stoneburg Baptist Church This is what Kingdom vision and association ministry is all about! FBC Montague could have sold their van and raised some funds for their own ministries. It would have been completely appropriate for them to do so. But, somehow God facilitated a Kingdom investment that moved their ministry beyond their own congregation by allowing a sister congregation to expand their ministry. The significance of that must not be overlooked. We are on this journey together. Let's celebrate this and look for ways to go and do likewise.